GM-Case -1 February 13,2023 February13,2023 Case scenario.... Hi, I am akhila vallabineni, 3rd year bds student .this is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking her consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE HISTORY:a 70 year old with high diabetic , hypertension E CHIEF COMPLAINTS:high blood pressure ,sugar and with tremors which lead to mild brain stroke. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: patient apparently asymptomatic on year ago Cough since 15 days Breathless Ness since 10 days Fever since 5 days Cough with non blood stained more in nights Agrevative in supine position Chest pain Low grade fever with no chills Intermittent PAST ILLNESS: Last year because of hyperglycemia non Co operative sedation and felt unconscious for 2 days ASSOCIATED DIESEASES: blood pressure ,diabetes millitus type 2 PERSONAL HISTORY : diet: apatite issues Sleep: no proper sleep Bowl and bladder : normal FAMILY HISTORY h